Winmaxi Acting Car Driver’s Tariff in Coimbatore

Local Use

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  • Economy class
  • Local Use
  • To avoid the difficulty of navigating traffic, hire a driver for local use.

Hourly Basis

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  • Economy class
  • Hourly Basis
  • Depending on your needs, you can hire a driver on an hourly or contract basis.

One Way Pickup

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  • Economy class
  • One Way Pickup
  • You can contact us if you require one-way transport or Drop Drivers for your car.

Day Basis

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  • Economy class
  • Day Basis
  • In the comfort of your own car, you can hire a driver for Monthly or Daily Basics.


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  • Economy class
  • Corporate
  • On a daily or monthly basis, we provide drivers for corporates.

Acting Driver

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  • Economy class
  • Acting Driver
  • We provide some professional drivers for your own car to drive you about town and to other locations.

Call Driver

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  • Economy class
  • Call Driver
  • Drivers are available on demand. Different sorts of cars can be driven by different types of drivers.